SOLD! 216 Pleasant Avenue Englewood NJ 07631
Brian Morgenweck June 16, 2013
216 Pleasant Avenue Englewood NJ 07631 SOLD this week. Congratulations to the new home-owners!

Listed & marketed extensively by Brian Morgenweck, Broker/Owner of Power Realty Group, 216 Pleasant Avenue sold for $392,000. (less than 2% under the asking price!)
To get the best possible results when selling your home, you need Maximum Exposure Marketing and the full-service expertise of a full-time real estate professional who'll guide you through every step of the transaction process. Reaching your goals is what's most important. If you're thinking about selling, call Brian Morgenweck (201) 489-3020.
For the most recent homes for sale in Englewood NJ, see below. Of course, call or email Brian with any questions.
Data on current market conditions is important information for sellers & buyers, alike. See Englewood Homes Market Stats.
If you'd like the best source for homes for sale info (updated daily!), see The 10 Newest Real Estate Listings in Englewood NJ Save that link as it updates automatically as homes come to market. It's a great way for buyers to get a jump on their competition, especially in times like this, in which inventory is more & more limited!
Thanks for stopping by & have a great day!